About M.A.T.H.
The Mathematical Association of Technology Hub (M.A.T.H.) is founded by Marquis R. Davis who is an educator of mathematics. Our purpose is to be the central hub and database for all information that is associated with the technological sciences of mathematics. We want to inform the world about the education, opportunities and dominance of mathematics. We are living in an age where technology is advance through applied mathematics, however the illiteracy rate of mathematics is inclining especially in the United States of American, where U.S. students improving – slowly – in math and science, but still lagging internationally. If the United States of America fails to teach the importance of mathematics to students in the educational system of America then these scores might end up declining or even become stagnated.
Marquis Davis has tutored students in a G.E.D. program at Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island in the city of Providence, while there he figured out that when students are informed about mathematics dominating technology and how mathematics dominate our lives daily, students seems to perform better in the studies of mathematics. I noticed that many Americans think mathematic is insignificant and do not acknowledge that mathematics is the backbone of science and technology.
Our mission at M.A.T.H. is to establish and maintain a platform where mathematicians, engineers, scientist, teachers, educators and technologist can all associate and interact with each while sharing ideas, concepts and information about mathematics and all the sciences that are related to mathematics. The mathematical association of technology hub wants to provide workshops, programs, education and opportunity to our youth. Children are the future and it is the responsibility of adults to provide opportunities for them and enrich them with the best form of education. If we fail to take on this responsibility then the future of the world and later generations will not advance into the potential it suppose to manifest.
We are a social network and M.A.T.H. objective is to connect like minded individuals to develop projects that will benefit humanity as a whole technologically. There are many geniuses in the world, but it can be difficult for them to run into one another, so this is where M.A.T.H. comes in as an intermediate to connect people who need a team or another individual to assist them with a project they want to develop. The founder of M.A.T.H. has a deep passion for mathematics, technology and collaboration so he design M.A.T.H. for those who share the same passion and also for people who want to educate themselves and learn about mathematics, science and technology in depth.