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Common Law Trust




Protect Assets and become Tax Exempt

Liberty Trust


Those of the LIGHT may use the same trusts the super rich use. 

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Asset Protection

Trust clients may become trustees or creators, beneficiaries, and managers.  These pure natural law sovereign irrevocable trusts enjoy exemption from filing income tax returns or paying income tax. 






What can the RIGHT KIND of Pure Trust Organization do for you?


1.   Assets are protected from litigation.
2.   Protection from creditors.
3.   Protection from liability suits.
4.   Protection from malpractice suits.
5.   Protection from employees.
6.   Protection from personal bankruptcy.
7.   Protection from excessive divorce settlements.
8.   Avoids probate.
9.   Avoids inheritance tax.
10. Avoids estate taxes.
11. Avoids court actions.
12.  Eliminates attorney fees.
13.  Eliminates or reduces Accountant fees.
14.  Eliminates Executor’s fees.
15.  Eliminates income taxes.
16.  Frees tax dollars for capital appreciation.

17.  Provides complete control over your assets through trustees.
18.  No public record.
19.  Ownership and title can be passed to heirs in complete secrecy.
20.  Trust is perpetual — The Trust lives on continuously.
21.  Heirs cannot change, challenge, or contest any wishes at your death.
22.  The Trust is easy to maintain and very inexpensive.









This superior type of pure natural law sovereign irrevocable trust not only is income tax exempt, but also has no tax return filing requirements.  THIS IS MOST SIGNIFICANT.  The reason is that it is non-statutory.  It does not fall under any of the statutory categories that are subject to filing requirements. 








    A natural law trust, by contrast, especially the kind my associate sets up, has no filing requirements.  It is created based on the unlimited right that we have to enter into contract with each other.  The government has no authority to disallow it.  This is affirmed in the US Supreme Court case Hale vs. Henkle, 1905.  It is one of the most quoted court cases in history and has never been overturned.  So, such a trust can go on being renewed generation after generation, and go on enduring through whatever changes may take place in the statutes.



READ "What is a Trust"





Pure common law trusts, tax haven corporations, sole corporations, unincorporated business organizations, asset protection trusts, secret trusts, COLATOS, business trust organizations, sovereign trusts . . . what are they?  What do they all have in common?  What are their benefits?  How do they compare?  All this education and more are available through seminars in the free market.





READ "What can the RIGHT KIND of Pure Trust Organization do for you?"



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