Khemetic Library
The Ankh: African Origin of Electromagnetism - Nur Ankh Amen It behooves the African anthropologist to use every scientific discipline that modern technology has to offer, in the tradition of Chiekh Anta Diop, to acquire the correct perspective on African high culture and civilization. Now is the time for Africans to wrestle Egyptology from the clutches of the distorters of our civilization, by a more forceful and public attack on their lies.
The Messenger: The Rise and Fall of Elijah Muhammad - Karl Evanzz Drawn from recently declassified FBI files, and interviews with family members and former apostles, The Messenger renders a daring portrait of one of African-American history's most controversial leaders. In this explosive biography, investigative journalist Karl Evanzz recounts the multidimensional life of a semiliterate refugee from the Jim Crow South who became the influential founder of the Nation of Islam.
Marcus Garvey: Black Nationalist Leader - Mary Lawler Biography/Autobiography
General History of Africa volume 2 - G. Mokhtar Volume 2 covers the period beginning at the close of the Neolithic era, from around the eighth millenium before our era. This period of some nine thousand years has been sub-divided into four major geographical zones.
Black Man of the Nile - Dr. Ben In a masterful and unique manner, Dr. Ben uses Black Man of the Nile to challenge and expose "Europeanized" African history. Order Black Man of the Nile here.
Ancient Egyptian Economics - Dr. Ashby Finances and money are an integral part of Ancient Egyptian culture as an instrument for promoting Maat in the form of the well-being of the 'hekat'. The hekat are the people and the "Heka" is the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh was like a shepherd leading a flock and moneys were controlled righteously to promote the welfare of the people.
Rasta and Resistance: From Marcus Garvey to Walter Rodney - Horace Campbell Rasta and Resistance is a study of the Rastafarian movement in all it's manifestations, from its evolution in the hills of Jamaica to its present manisfestations in the streets of Birmingham and Shashamane Settlement in Ethiopia. It traces the cultural, political and spiritual sources of this movement of resistance, hightlighting the quest for change among an oppressed people.
Egypt: Temple of the Whole World: Studies in Honour of Jan Assmann - Sibylle Meyer (Editor), Jan Assmann (Editor) once wrote Jan Assmann – "can hardly be said to have become part of our cultural memory. It is a subject of fascination, not of understanding." This fascination began when ancient Greek travellers started visiting Egypt, and continues unto this day, more often than not as a scholarly search for the oldest roots of our cultural memory.
Civilization or Barbarism: An Authentic Anthropology - Cheikh Anta Diop Challenging societal beliefs, this volume rethinks African and world history from an Afrocentric perspective.
The Khemetic library of Timbuktu is available for members only. Our online Library, consist of sacred scrolls, khemetic teachings, moorish teachings, esoteric studies, science, law, mathematics, spirituality, religion, yoga, meditation, eastern philosophy, metaphysics, mysticism, health, spiritual healing, martial arts and a vast number of other subjects. Members will have access to both libraries, which are the Khemetic Library of Timbuktu and the Eloheem Library of Sacred Scrolls.
All books are free with membership!
Amun Neb Re Ankh Ptah (Dr. York)
Noble Drew Ali
Manly P. Hall
Dr. Frances Cress Welsing
Stanley Lane-Poole
Samael Aun Weor
Ra un nefer Amen
Marcus Garvey
Helena Blavatsky
Dr. Muata Ashby
Dr. Yosef Ben- Jochannan
Cheikh Anta Diop
Zacharia Sitchin
Bruce Lee
Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
Chancellor William
Ian Stewart
Robert Temple
Mantak Chia
Don Miguel Ruiz
Assata Shakur and much more
All books are free with membership!
This is the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America by the Noble Prophet DREW ALI. The quest for knowledge of self has always been the goal of people of color from the beginning of time; to know thyself is a noble pursuit that must be task to all the living.
Go to linkThe true structure of the most sacred name of God is the great arcanum of occultism—never before explicitly revealed but only hinted at in obscure religious and alchemical emblems. It is now laid bare in The Power of the Word.
Go to linkA Brief Biography of what happened to the Moors in America, who now answer to the labels "Negroes, Coloreds, Blacks, etc., after reconstruction.
Go to link-
Sacred scrolls
Khemetic teachings
Moorish teachings
Esoteric studies
Eastern Philosophy
Spiritual healing
Martial arts
and much more
Members will have access to both libraries,
which are the Khemetic Library of Timbuktu and the Eloheem Library of Sacred Scrolls.