Letter to all Country Presidents
Hello! This is John Glover, the coordinator for the GAGUT educational revolution program whose goal is to change the basis of global education from the current 118 elements to 1 element. This would make science 118 times easier to study. We are requesting your cooperation in effecting this change globally, by propagating the program to all of Humanity, by encouraging all Boards of Education in America and in the rest of the world to implement this change and to encourage all the governments in the world to legislate this educational revolution. The positive impact of this global educational revolution on humanity is expected to be bigger than that of the atomic bomb. This global educational revolution has been ordered by GOD, through GAGUT in a secret code expressed by Gij,j=0, through which GOD revealed that only 1 element is the basis for science, not 118 elements (current basis). Below is the press release that explains the basis and necessity of this change which should be presented to every school board in America, and to invite Professor G. Oyibo to present its details to their individual President of their Board of Education and all the Presidents of all Universities and Colleges, as well as all of the State Governors, City Mayors, Secretaries or Ministers of Education, the Senates, Congresses, Parliaments, Governing Bodies, etc, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Royalties, etc. of all countries globally as well as the United Nations particularly UNESCO which is already familiar with GAGUT. GOD bless you.